Photo of a Pot with Some Liquid

Stomach issues? Maybe a low-residue diet can help

Photo of a Pot with Some Liquid

A low-residue diet is low in fibers, particularly indigestible fibers.  It also limits high-fat foods.  When you’re having intestinal issues, fiber and fat may be harder for your digestive tract to process.  The goal of this diet is to rest the GI tract and to reduce GI symptoms.  A low-residue diet may be used for people with gastroparesis, a flare of inflammatory bowel disease, recent abdominal surgery or other gastrointestinal issues.  Most of the foods recommended for patients on a low-residue diet are also low in FODMAPs.

Foods to eat on a low-residue diet

-low-fiber grains: white rice, cream of rice, white rice noodles, white rice pasta, polenta, grits, cornmeal, corn bread, corn tortillas, puffed rice, rice cakes, corn flakes and other unsweetened cereals

-low-fiber cooked vegetables: potatoes, plantains, squash, carrots, zucchini, turnip, tomatoes, green beans, ginger, parsnip, pumpkin.  12oz per day of fresh all-vegetable juices, seaweed

-low-fiber peeled/cooked or canned (unsweetened) fruits with seeds removed: bananas, cantaloupe, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi, oranges, papaya, pineapple, strawberries

-limited amounts of fats that are lower in fiber like olive oil

-if you include some animal products in your diet, choose eggs, lean meats (fish, poultry) and limited amounts of low-fat dairy products as tolerated

Foods to avoid on a low-residue diet

-high-fiber grains (eg “whole grain” products)

-raw fruits and vegetables

-nuts, seeds and legumes

-spicy or otherwise strongly flavored foods

-processed junk foods (try to cook your food at home)



This diet is meant for short-term use, because many of the foods to avoid on a low-residue diet are actually very good for you.  Fiber from whole foods, for example, is crucial for health, so you’ll want to eventually transition to eating more whole plant foods, including whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.  Always remember to talk to your doctor if you’re going to start this type of diet.  Read more at